About Us

We're an Adelaide-based sustainability start-up with the goal of eliminating the excessive use of disposable goods currently filling landfills and ecosystems.

Hey there!

We're an Adelaide based sustainability start-up with the goal of eliminating excessive use of disposable goods currently filling landfills and ecosystems. We want to see a world where people are supported in making good choices for the environment and society without having to sacrifice their wallet or free time.

Reusably's mission is to accelerate the transition away from single-use plastics. Working closely with communities, we create networks of reusable takeaway packaging to facilitate a seamless transition to the circular economy. Our unique cloud-based software enables cafes, restaurants, stores, and consumers to reduce their waste footprint and track their individual or combined impact.

Reusably ditches the disposal cup all together without ditching the convenience for you and for your favourite cafes.

Stay tuned ☕ The Reusably Team

Pictured left-to-right:

Thomas Nicholls Chief Financial Officer & Co-founder

Matt Bowie Project Manager & Co-founder

Mary Kelly Reusably Founder

Filip Rajec Chief Technology Officer & Co-founder